Windy present time temperature reports for Cokeville, Wyoming
Overall, Windy is my favorite weather app, but it’s real time temperature reporting for Cokeville Wy, located in the Bear River Valley is almost always off by a positive 10 to 15 degrees F. It will show all the weather reporting sites in & around Cokeville, but then ignores them for the temperature it reports. Most all the other apps do the same. At least Windy does report the actual weather temperature sites if you search to find them.
@Hunkydory-0 said in Windy present time temperature reports for Cokeville, Wyoming:
…. It will show all the weather reporting sites in & around Cokeville, but then ignores them for the temperature it reports. Most all the other apps do the same. At least Windy does report the actual weather temperature sites if you search to find them.
I understand the first part of your post but the second one is for me really obscur.
There is a crazy weather station reporting too hight temperatures near your location. That’s right. It is a madis weather station which means it is a personal weather station.
I don’t know if the owner has added it himself or if the madis ones are from imported files.