Satellite View not working....
Hello. Maps (Satellite View) hasn't been working properly for about 4 days. Any idea when this is going to be fixed?
Additional information: The screenshot location is Albuquerque, N.M.
Right now it works fine for me
In Settings try to toggle the Graphic compatibility mode -
@idefix37 No I think he means the satellite map view, not the satellite cloud view. We used to be able to zoom in close, now we can't. Even with compatibility mode turned on and a premium account.
@FlyingBuckeye Hi, can you let me know from which country you try to access these images? This issue can be related only to US users. So please let me know so that I can forward the issue to colleagues.
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@Ondřej-Šutera Yes, US. I'm assuming the map supplier has deemed a high resolution close satellite zoom not necessary and has reallocated that data space elsewhere.
S Suty referenced this topic on
@FlyingBuckeye On the first sight, there is probably an issue with providing these images only to certain users. I already forwarded it to colleagues and will keep you posted.
@FlyingBuckeye @harleydood The issue is already fixed, so you should be able to see all satellite images now. Please let us know if you need any further assistance.