Explanation of altitude nominations
I am searching for a clear diagram or explanation of what the altitude nominations in the Windy app represent in meters or feet.
For example, when looking at the cloud forecast:
- 300h = 9 km = FL300
- 500h = 5 km = FL180
- 700h = 3 km = FL100
- 800h = 2 km = 6400 ft
- 900h = 900 m = 3000 ft
What are the different altitude systems?
900h means 900hPa. It is expressed as a pressure level.
900m is the altitude (elevation) above mean sea level expressed in meters. It corresponds the 900hPa mean pressure level.
3000ft is a flight level expressed in feet (or in units of 100ft when displayed as FLxxx). It corresponds the 900hPa mean pressure level.
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