Troubles in yearly payments
Hi, I got a few messages that my subscription will be due and asking me to check my premium payment method in my account. But everything looks ok and only as I try to pay with my credit card it shows that my credit card is rejected. Strange as I paid with this same card last time. Can you help me, otherwise I will lose my subscription.
@pkrisam Hi, I checked your subscription and it looks like there was an issue with accepting the payment from your card provider, please try it once again or contact the bank then.
@Ondřej-Šutera Hi Ondrej, I checked with my bank and all the permissions for payment are correct and unchanged. I tried to delete the current card number and re-load it in the system, but that is not feasible with your current payment service platform. So, I'm on a "no-way path" currently. Appreciated your assistance as I won't lose my loaded point of interest and services.
Hi @pkrisam, I tried to cancel your subscription, because all automatic attempts to charge your card failed. Could you please try to purchase a new subscription with this account and let me know about the state?
@Ondřej-Šutera Thank you. I reload my card, but there is no link to renew the subscription or at least buy a new one. Some hints?
@pkrisam I see that your account is already a free one, can you try to refresh the app or log out and in back? Then you should see Go Premium button in your app.