Automatic update
When you are looking at a forecast parameter (wind, for example), the current observations will update and the model data itself will update, but it would be nice if the timestamp could move forward with time if you have the current time selected.
For example, if I have 19:00 selected as the forecast hour for wind, the wind map will stay at 19:00 instead of moving forward to 20:00, 21:00, etc. as we get later into the evening. Is it possible to have this as an option (perhaps "present" hour)? As it is now, without me updating it myself it will stay at 19:00 for the rest of the day. It would be very useful to be able to have the map/model data automatically show the current hour on forecasting shifts at work.
Also a shameless plug for you guys to add total precipitable water.
Hi @mark-ingalls, unfortunately, we don't offer this option to auto-update the app now.