Bug nouvelle version PC
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Impossible de faire défiler les échéances des modèles à l'aide du curseur...
Revenez à l'ancienne version ou corrigez le dysfonctionnement -
Je ne peux pas faire défiler la barre de temps, l'écran de mon PC de bureau n'est pas tactile (j'utilise la souris et le clavier)
Je suis sur Chrome Version 114.0.5735.110 (Build officiel) (64 bits) -
S Suty moved this topic from Your Feedback and Suggestions on
Hi @stephanedep, can you provide further details about your device and any screenshots of your Windy version?
@stephanedep So you don't have touch device, can you please share further details about the device you are using (model, resolution, screen size, SW)?
@Ondřej-Šutera No, I don't have a touch device, I use a screen: ACER QG241Y
60Hz -
@stephanedep Okay, thank you for monitor information. How about the PC/laptop that you are using, can you please specify it as well? I am sorry for all these questions, but we are trying to find the most about the group of users, that has this mobile version, despite the using desktop.