Disappearing Time/Play bottom left Widget on Windows 11
Hi, the bottom left Play and Time line bar disappears when we change Forecast Model.
To retrieve I must go all the back page by page, staying on the model I need. As Soon as I change the Model it happens again.
Was not there until you made an Update a few days ago, when the Choose a Model bottom Right window was changed.
thank you -
@FileasFogg Thank you for your feedback about the app. That is true that we released the new version a few days back, but I am not able to replicate this issue from your information. Are you able to share any screenshots or provide any further details? Type of device, used browser, etc.? Thank you in advance.
Do you mean this issue?
@Ondřej-Šutera Sorry I have not come back sooner. The problem solved for itself after a while. Might have a been a small Browser bug or even Windy bug. Who knows. Took a few days a few updates.
If it happens again I shall screen shoot it.
Thank you all for the wonderful work.
By the way, the Daily and hourly Forecast Chart with daily graphical information placed at the Bottom of screen when we open the Drop Down Menu on the Location Flag; if we compare we can see in rather very small letters the Date and Time of Forecast. However, if we just open the first one there is no forecast time.
Cheers -
@FileasFogg Please share a screenshot.
@Korina At the ende of each compared forecast Stripe we see the Forecast time, etc.
If we just open the forecast for the place we wish to know, one only sees at the bottom how long ago it was forecasted. -
The update information of each weather models is shown by clicking the small i at bottom right corner of website or at bottom of menu in the mobile app. -
@idefix37 thank you but it is not that. Look at my Screen shots. Look at the right end of the chart. There is a date and time slot. That is what I mean.
Cheers -
@FileasFogg If you want to check the time of the last update of the model in the forecast, when you are not in the comparison, you can check the info button, or you can see it here: