Extra weather stations not wanted
When zooming in with airports selected, other round dots show up, presumably weather stations. I’d like the ability to filter out the extra stations and show only airports when I’ve selected airports.
Hi @GaryAir, if you have airports selected, no other points or dots shouldn't show up, but you are right that some smaller airports are shown only in higher zoom levels.
@Ondřej-Šutera Just in case it crossed your mind to get rid of them entirely (not saying it did lol)....my vote is to definitely keep the other airports. Having the locations, identifiers easily seen at a glance and having the runway, info of these other airports is something I use almost daily.
:)@GaryAir Those other grey circles are airports. They don't have an AWOS so that's why you aren't seeing the circles coloured - but they still provide information regarding the airport itself. Also, if you click one you can see the forecasted metogram.
@Ondřej-Šutera Something I just noticed, when I select one of these other airports - the METEOGRAM it provides is only utilizing the ECMWF in my area - doesn't matter what model I have selected....is this by design?