Cloud base over grey areas
Re: What does grey mean displayed on CLOUD BASE map (there is no height displayed)
I note somebody asked this question in 2020 and got a response that grey meant there was no cloud. What I often get however are large squares of grey covering up to half the State of Victoria (Australia). Clouds don't follow straight lines. When I move the cursor into a coloured area I get a cloud base, which as a pilot I am especially interested in. When I move the cursor back over the straight line into the grey, the cloud base disappears.
@LawrenceMoloney I checked and compared clouds and cloud base, and these data are really similar. Can you please send any screenshots to help us to understand the issue you have?
See attached example.
I'd assume the blue data would first transition to green if this really meant no low cloud?
Many thanks -
The layer you show is not the Low cloud, it is the Cloud base layer i.e. the height of the cloud base.
Blue is cloud base between 900 to 2700 ft
Green is cloud base between 2700 to 4500 ftIf a cloud has a base at 3000 ft, why should its edge have a lower base ?