Anomalous rainfall data?
Hi, please have a look at the attached image of the North Sea between the UK and the Netherlands. The rainfall circled has been there for two weeks now and never goes away or changes position. Is this radar interference of some kind? No other rainfall radar app shows this.
@Stanley212 Hi, can you please check that once again? I see that it is already gone for now, is it correct?
Hi, There is still a slight area of rain showing where the main area was, but it's less prominent. Seems to be associated with the radar signal from the Netherlands?
Regards, Stan.
@Stanley212 I discussed it with colleagues and this is standardly displayed radar from Netherlands. It can look a bit weird, since there is no other radar for that location so we cannot evaluate this from more images.
Ok thanks. The UK Met Office radar doesn't show it.
Thanks for looking.Regards, Stan