My Loation: 12°34'59.0"N 99°53'59.4"E
Your forecasts are consistently wrong. Consistently wrong. When Windy says it is raining, I am in bright sunshine. The entire day. I am fed up relying on your continual, repeating errors.
Please place a weather station here, because we are ALWAYS different from your forecast and have been so for as long as I remember living here, some 9 years now.
I am an old oilfield engineer, used to working with magnetometers, accellerometers, gamma ray sensors and even nuclear tools. I am no fool and would take care of your equipment.
Anything to let me know what to expect, accurately.
I live in a severe rain shadow. I have sat outside my home on the patio and seen rain pouring down 500m to the East and 500m to the West, while I remain in bright sunshine. On many occasions.
As far as my location is concerned, your forecasts are about 10% accurate.
Sorry if I sound angry, but it is hot here today !
Best wishes,
Patrick Ellen. -
@patrickjfellen said in My Loation: 12°34'59.0"N 99°53'59.4"E:
When Windy says it is raining
Windy says nothing !
Windy shows the forecast of weather models from major weather prediction centers like NOAA, ECMWF, DWD, BOM.
So may be all these weather models are wrong in your area.
First, have you tried all of them ?
Then, adding a weather station at your location would change nothing in the prediction of these weather models. They compute the forecast by assimilation of huge data quantities mainly satellite data.
By the way there are 2 professional weather stations near your location, like this one : -