Understanding the Compare Forecast Feature in Windy.com
ECMWF for weather tendency and ICON-D2 a few days before my flights in Southern Germany ;-)
Here in northern Germany I use ECMWF. All models have problems in predicting the influence of cities (e.g. Hamburg) on the course and effects of storm or severe weather fronts when there are south-westerly winds. We often have hardly any rain or thunderstorms near Kiel. The thunderstorms split over Hamburg / Neumünster to the north or east. No model seems to predict this correctly.
As a default model i use ECMWF, but very often i switch to Meteoblue for comparison
I use the ECMWF most of the time but occasionally compare it to the GFS one here n the southwest USA.
ECMWF works well on Madeira island and in my region in Poland. But I quite often use the "compare" feature and hope for the nicest forecast to come true :-)
@Korina Mostly the ECMWF
I mostly use the Icon-D2 because it seems to be the most accurate wheater model for my region.
For Central Europe I use ICON and ECMWF models most.
Do you have compare model forecast for Indian subcontinent?
Mostly use the ICOn
Too fast with my first post,
CAPE index is a major improvement. Use mainly the short term forecast features, scope 1-3 h, rain radar, wind above ground etc. Are out with dogs in the forests with a search and rescue team, so before training I can plan and prepare on exposure. -
I use Windy for motorcycle racing and so far I got the best short-term results from the ICON-D2 ...
Depends on the region and purpose. Bot overall probably good ol' ECMWF :)
I use GFS and sometime ICON
@Korina I use ECMWF
@Korina ecmwf North of italy
@Korina My go to is ECMWF
@Korina I am using mostly ECMWF model in the south east of Poland but ICON-D2 is also good on the west of Poland....
I use ECMWF. It seems to be the most accurate for my location and needs
For long range (above 3 days) the GFS seems to work best. Switching to ECMWF for 2-3 day forecast, as it offers better precision. ICON models just for comparison.
Based on East coast Baltic sea, main usage wind, waves and cloud cover.