Understanding the Compare Forecast Feature in Windy.com
Over the past few years I have sailed from New york to Alaska. I use the ECMWF most, but usually compare with GFS. I became a premium member early on because I want to support the BEST!
I'm using ECMWF as my preferred model.
I'm finding for mountains in NE US, the NAM model is usually most accurate. In coastal areas I like ECWMF.
@Korina Most reliable PWE/PWA
For me sailing in Southeast Brazil, mostly in Rio de Janeiro/ São Paulo -
@Korina I find the ECMWF model to be most consistent and reliable in the middle of Kansas where I live. Variability between the models tells me to keep my eyes out for upcoming changes in the forecast.
@Korina ECMWF
@Korina I think ECMWF are more relible and give right information maximum.
I use the compare all. It gives the most accurate by viewing all of them to know exactly what will occur. It’s been the best weather tool for my line of work.
@Korina ECMWF and GFS!
ECMWF is best suited for our region
@Korina here in Montague County, TX, I start with ECMWF as default, then HRRR as at least one of the local TV stations in Wichita Falls (closest major town ~60 miles away) uses it. Comparing multiple is useful as you’ve indicated
On the Chesapeake Bay near Annapolis, I use the compare models for 3-5 day and HRRR for 12‐24hrs. Fantastic app! Thank you for the 1 hour update! On the Bay, it makes a difference when timing with the currents and tides.
I use the ecmwf and gfs models for looking at wind. I use the ecmwf for looking at shorter period swells from multiple directions and then only use the gfs when theres a big long period swell. The gfs tends to filter out many little swells, but sometimes its good to know about all the little swells.
@Korina ECMWF Works like a charm in Southern California.
I find ECMWF most accurate for the western Baltic Sea
@Korina at the Belgian coast I kinda like Arome
@Korina I use ECMWF, as usually.
@Korina GFS
In North Germany i often usually pick ICON-D2 Meteogram.