Understanding the Compare Forecast Feature in Windy.com
I find ECMWF most accurate for the western Baltic Sea
@Korina at the Belgian coast I kinda like Arome
@Korina I use ECMWF, as usually.
@Korina GFS
In North Germany i often usually pick ICON-D2 Meteogram.
Hi Korina.
I work on the Manly ferry service in Sydney Australia and use Windy extensively to see wind and swell forecasts.
I've set up a favourites point between the harbour entrance ,where swells may reach over 5m in bad conditions.
I particularly like the ability to switch between models to check consistency. Also the display of wind and isobars is first class.Locally some people use a near shore forecast model which is based, I think, on NOAA 3. Do you know if , in broad terms this is similar to GFS?
Finally, given the forecast models have a resolution of several km : When looking at points close together ; are the differences explained by interpolation?
Great program, keep up the good work.
Mal Toon
Writetomaltoon@gmail.com -
In Poland I use ECMWF most of the time (and comparison feature when I need more understanding and confidence).
Guys,you are the best! For me, Ecmwf stands out here in NE Italy. Thanks again for your efforts and dedication
ECWMF for east coast of Australia and South Pacific wins hands down.
I use the Meteoblue as this is the most accurate for the location where I live. Living in a small alpine valley in Austria right to the main ridge of the alps forecast can be tricky. Especially temperature forecasts are very different between the models most of the time.
@Korina the ECMWF is what I predominantly use especially for my PPG flying here in South Africa 🇿🇦
In my country, Oman, ICON then ECMWF are working perfectly. -
@Korina Hello I tend to trust more the GFS and météo blue model.
The fact that we can easily compare the different model is great feature. Thanks for that! Nice cap by the way... -
@Korina ECWMF works good for me in central Germany - occasionally I take a look at the comparison. 👍🙂
@Korina On the east coast of Australia, at least between Hobart and Sydney, the ECMWF consistently underestimates the wind speed (being used for sailing) by 5 to 10 knots. This is a large discrepancy for a sailboat. The Access 12 model does a much better job.
@Korina i use most of the time meteoblue :)
Here in southern Finland I use ECMWF and it seems pretty accurate. Thanks for the great app!
ECMWF for winds and lower levels data below 850mb.
GFS for upper levels. This combo works very well in India-Pakistan region. -
UKV for short range and ECMWF for long rage.
@Kdorina Dobrý den. Nejvíce používám odrazy radarů a jelikož jsem z Čech tak nejvíce používám CHAMU nebo Windy jen škoda že to je čím dál víc okleštěné.