Understanding the Compare Forecast Feature in Windy.com
@Korina for Germany ICON D2 has proven to be the most accurate for this location.
@Korina I use the ECMWF model for the most part. It's great to have options though!!!
I also compare actuals to the current forecast models and see which one has been trending the closest to actuals and I'll make decisions weighted by that comparison. -
@Korina ECMWF for me đź‘Ť
I primarily use EMCWF just because it's the default here, but I will usually click through all that are available (at least GFS) in advance of significant weather to get an idea of how much consensus there is (or isn't).
@Korina I mostly use the ECMWF
@Korina for South Africa I most often us ECMWF as it's forecast is most accurate fir my location. But i like comparing all models as different models are more accurate in forecasting different elements such as Temp, Wind, clouds and percipitation. Best weather app by far!!!
In Victoria, British Columbia, Canada, I find ECMWF to be the most “pessimistic” model for winds. As a Stand Up Paddle board fan, knowing the worst case scenario before going out on the ocean is very useful. ECMWF is usually reasonably accurate. If another model or two agree with the forecast then I know that it’s going to be right.
EVMWF has been most accurate for Lake Michigan over the last 2 years, so that’s my first and most common, then HRRR near race time.
In Texas, I use the HRRR most often.
Side note, are you ever going to sell windbreakers? Seems like a missed opportunity.
In Greece, we (and all the sailors we know here) use the ECMWF model as most granular and accurate.
We also compare short term forecast (48 h) to OpenWRF via OpenSkiron (a joined project between universities of Athens and Israel). I really wished Windy would integrate this model for this area (feature request as of last year … no luck).
Hi. I use the Mblue model most, but I will say since the introduction of the UKV model it's a very close second.
I use icon, better understood.
Windy has been very handy in making prognosis / weather outlook in Karnataka State -
I use the ECMWF model, and when the forecast is of especial importance to me, I compare it to other models to check my confidence in the prediction.
@Korina Reed Timmer is my weather model.
I believe ECMWF is the most accurate one for my sailing region (The Med). Very accurate, unless the wind is light, in which case I think it is more difficult for any model to be as precise.
Ecmwf Is perfect for me. Bologna, Italy
For the Australian region, my order of preference is ECMWF then AccessG.
I use the "Compare Table" and "Wind Meteogram" regularly as a poor man's ensemble forecast tool for point locations.
Keep up the good work :)
@Korina I use the AROME forecast model for the region of the alps a lot.
@Korina I've started to use the met one in Wales UK . But early days.