Please add weather fronts (Warmfront and cold front)!!!
The competitor provides these front view!
One of the first feedback’s here are from 2020. Why don’t you add weather fronts.. -
@christian-greff we use weather models and their data, but fronts are made by metheorlogists and they are not a part of models that we have in our app.
There are automated weather fronts at Meteomatics
I wonder what kind of resources it takes to implement and run this everyday for every model run for every model for every place on earth?
@Ondřej-Šutera I’d like to put my vote towards creating a algorithm that predicts basic weather fronts.
Ventusky has weather fronts with their free service.
“ Weather fronts
You can also display weather fronts. We have created a neural network that predicts the positions of cold, warm, occluded, and stationary fronts based on data from weather models. This algorithm is unique, and we are the first on the world who makes global fronts forecast available to users.” -
@Ondřej-Šutera as a sailor, I would absolutely second including weather fronts. I know they are created by meteorologists, but evidently there are algorithms that can mimic this. This would be an important and persuasive addition. While you are at it, PLEASE allow me to keep the pressure isolines on the map by default. I don't understand why this is not stored in my settings. Thanks
Wunderground also display weather fronts on their maps.
@Ondřej-Šutera I'd seen this by ventusky.
“ Weather fronts
You can also display weather fronts. We have created a neural network that predicts the positions of cold, warm, occluded, and stationary fronts based on data from weather models. This algorithm is unique, and we are the first on the world who makes global fronts forecast available to users.” -
"Neural networks", to this sounds a bit dangerous to rely at... I would prefer to look at the front analyses of the weather services instead.
@anthony10 :
Ventusky is brilliant in its usability, clear and easy layed out.
THX. -
@Ftjwinfs I 100% agree but I'm sure Windy could have a disclaimer in regards to providing/predicting weather fronts on their platform.
@anthony10 wunderground uses their own analysis to create weather fronts.
I would also like synoptic features, i.e. weather fronts. Also it would be great if the surface isobars were on by default.
Thanks -
@anthony10 Any further news or developments on the possibility of adding FRONTS to the Windy platform?
what is even happening here...
It's showing an occluded front moving counter-clockwise with one warm front attached heading clockwise? This is why I still don't trust computer generated fronts - they make no sense.
Personally, I think it's a horrible idea to add computer generated fronts to Windy. But I also think it's a horrible idea to have "future radar" but hey users got that so maybe I'm the stubborn one lol@anthony10 said in Please add weather fronts (Warmfront and cold front)!!!:
@Ondřej-Šutera I’d like to put my vote towards creating a algorithm that predicts basic weather fronts.
Ventusky has weather fronts with their free service.
“ Weather fronts
You can also display weather fronts. We have created a neural network that predicts the positions of cold, warm, occluded, and stationary fronts based on data from weather models. This algorithm is unique, and we are the first on the world who makes global fronts forecast available to users.” -
A anthony10 referenced this topic on
Bump. Please add fronts. Front algorithms are common and used on sources such as Aside from the occasional small lows/highs that are sometimes not specified and that result in algorithms displaying short cold/warm front tails, the availability and frequency of updates allowed by algorithms would be a great addition. As seen on the above image but overall the fronts displayed make sense and are better than nothing. With understanding, the fronts displayed provide significant value.
Windy - if you add computer generated fronts, please allow the user to turn them off.
I'm always baffled by administrator response of, "we use weather models and their data, but fronts are made by metheorlogists and they are not a part of models that we have in our app." But Windy has a weather warnings map layer and the weather warnings data is NOT weather model data. The weather warnings are issued in real time by meteorologists and then that data is retrieved from wherever it lives and mapped to the windy UI (I realized I'm probably simplifying the data retrieval/mapping process but the point still stands).
I'd love to know if mapping weather fronts are either not a priority or if the issue is finding an appropriate data source/data sources that can be combined and mapped to the windy UI.
@stevegregg My understanding is the CAP alert system (weather warnings) is an international cooperative system with defined parameters to ensure public safety. Not even sort of the same thing as those same meteorologists analyzing the position of a frontal boundary.
@Wheats Do you know if the fronts on current observation page are computer generated or drawn by a meteorologist? They seem to be identical to their prog chart, which I always assumed (possibly incorrectly) were drawn by meteorologists. Surprisingly, they also seem to be identical to the fronts on MyRadar Pro. So maybe independent but nearly identical algorithms or maybe fronts are accessible?