RTSP not updating during nighttime
This is a relatively new issue for me - I have had problems in the past with RTSP feed not updating over a long period of time. However this only seems to be effecting the dark hours...
Camera appears to work fine during the daytime but as soon as night comes around windy stops updating. Is anyone else noticing the same? Is there a fix??
My feed windy link: https://webcams.windy.com/webcams/stream/1643013511
My feed rtsp link: https://rtsp.me/embed/dt2Y4TbS/
Other feeds: https://webcams.windy.com/webcams/stream/1640906913
EDIT: it's been almost a month since this was posted and the issue still exists. Camera is updating til 5 or 6pm ish and then stops for 12 hrs approx. Anyone else noticing this?? @Korina or anyone else from admin able to shed light on this problem...