Model Data Display Update
Good morning!
Is there a way to set the model data to automatically update, just as satellite imagery does, without any animation or manual input?
Wyatt -
I don't think that quite answers the question. That's when each run updates. What I am looking for is if there's a way to display a particular product that is synchronized to the current time, just like satellite.
Sorry your question was not clear. The update of the data provided by the model is a specific meaning.
I understand that you want a forecast display synchronized with the current time. This is already done automatically when you start the app. -
You are correct, when the app is started it is synchronized with current time. Is there any setting or some sort of feature that will make it stay with current time as the day progresses or is doing a refresh or moving the timeline manually the only way to accomplish that?
Thank you for your help!
Wyatt -
I don’t think there is such a feature