Suggestions for future product development
Maybe this has been brought up before and, if so, my apologies. I have 3 items that might be of interest for future upgrades to an already wonderful site.
Any plans on providing vorticity products to your current suite of products? Vorticity is such a useful concept in meteorology and forecasting with regards to intensity of cyclones and locations of storm development.
Can you please move the on/off button for contours to the main page alongside the sea-level pressure on/off button? It would be much more useful on the main page when comparing upper-level charts and surface features.
Any plans to add water vapor imagery to the satellite menu?
S Suty moved this topic from Developers on
@mparkay We are not planning anything similar now. However, it is good that it is mentioned here for any future plans.
@Ondřej-Šutera Adding my support for these, especially 1 and 3. Vorticity is also useful in wind energy forecasting to predict periods of volatility.