KP index (drone Pilot)
Hello, I'm a drone pilot and I'm missing a single piece of data to make Windy the perfect application for planning my flights. This data is the KP index which determines the reliability of GPS and depends on solar activity. I am also very surprised that this data is not available in Windy.
In addition to being useful for pilots, the KP index can give indications of the next aurora borealis.
If I could have access to a set of data gathering, I would be the happiest pilot in the world :-D:
speed and orientation wind and gusts,
KP Index
Number of satellites available
Thanks -
S Suty moved this topic from Windy API v4 on
I agree that a "drone safe flight layer" would be great.
Electromagnetic disturbances risk forecast and realtime measure / KP¨index, cloud base (visibility), rain (radar), restricted flight zones (many countries implemented that in SIG solutions) with max flight altitude are some of the things drone pilots need.
Quite the datas from UAV Forecast, but the windy (better) way !Set a location and time period for the flight and get all these informations at once !
I as well agree.