FR: Premium 1 hourly widget and 1 hourly forecast with premium subscription for Watch
Hi Windy team,
Feature request: Premium 1 hourly widget and 1 hourly forecast with premium subscription for WatchI have it in the Windy iOS app, Windy iOS lock screen widget, Windy premium iOS widget but is missing for the Watch. Only 3 hourly widget is present. It's unavailable as a complication.
Also the 1 hourly forecast is missing in the Watch app, only 3 hourly is present but it is visible in the iOS app.
iPhone: 12 Pro - iOS: 16.5.1
Watch: S7 45mm 9.5.2 (20T571)
Windy app: 39.010236Watch face:
Windy complications:
Watch app forecast:
iOS lock screen widget:
iOS widget:
iOS app:
I just found the switch in the Watch app for the 1h option:
I leave this thread here for awareness for other Windy users.
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