Observation vs Forecast Hard To Read
The "Observation vs Forecast" Feature is hard to read for causal users who don't use it that often. There are two rows but no indication which one is actual and which one is forecast.
I'm sure if you use it every day you'd remember but I won't and every time I go to use it, I'm going to have to figure it out all over again.
Labeling the rows seems like it would be super simple and handy.
Do you use the Forecast vs observation feature in the mobile app or on the website?
Here is a screenshot from the website:In the black box the second line is clearly the forecast of the model as indicated Forecasted by HRRR here.
In the new mobile app, the second line in the black box is missing.In the diagram the dotted curves are those from the forecast model. Why? Because they are shown in future while the weather station curves are only shown in the past… Easy to remember :)
The previous iPadOS was including the second line in the box (in fact the old screenshot shown in my post above was from my iPad)
That would be useful to add the second again. -
@idefix37 Oh sure, right, since iPad used to have a desktop version, these data were available there. I already sent this to colleagues.
@idefix37 I see what your saying there but it looks like the forecast model is a footnote on the popup (since it's below the row) -- not a mark of which line is which.
So if i go into this a month from now (or first time users), I'm going to first have to try and figure out which row is actual and which row is forecast.
A more proper way to display this would be to have the label on the row -- just like you do when you're explaining it in the how-to section of the documentation. This eliminates the need to have to find documentation to get the question answered. There's tons of free space to be able to include the label as the popup only occupies a small part of the screen.
From Your documentation (why not just have this type of label on the row so you don't need the doc?):
Think ease of use please. I mostly use the website.