Request: Please include "compact" view
Wanted to make a new thread so we can all vote in one place.
I've noticed the changes and appreciate that you've worked hard to include some capabilities the website has that the mobile version did not have. Great work!My request is regarding the default layer selection view on the new v39 mobile app. I hope you will seriously consider implementing an option for users to switch from "gallery" to "list" or a compact view of sorts.
- currently the gallery type view utilizes 3/4 of the screen
- although "pinning" different layers is a great idea, I'm still losing a significant amount of the screen space while I fumble through the layers I've pinned
- the organization of layers in the list view (ex. click "Clouds" and it brings up all the different cloud layers nice and compact right underneath it) is much easier to utilize (compared to scrolling through images or using a search bar)
- switching from gallery to list is an option on the website, which normally has a much larger screen - I feel it necessary to include the same options on mobile devices, which normally have a much smaller screen.
Those are some of my thoughts,
Thank you for reading -
Further to @Wheats proposal, I would like to add my own suggestions which are very similar and to make them more visual with drawings.
First I don’t think that the pin icon on the main screen is relevant because once you use it, you will not change your pinned layers every days. So I suggest to move it into the menu.
Making the menu more compact, not so wide, the first line of icons would be on 2 lines with the pin icon added there.
On lines 3 and 4, it would useful to keep this list of layers and the linked feature.
On lines 5, add the options for layer list (default) and layer gallery options.
In addition to these additions.
It seems to me like you've tried to make the layer menu and various buttons larger and easier to read (understandable) - but it's having the opposite effect because it's making your bread and butter (the map and layers themselves) more difficult to utilize easily and effectively. (in my opinion)
I was a HUGE fan of the old layout - I've stopped my other device from updating so I can continue to live in the past for a while longer.
- The more of the map users can see and investigate the better
- ie. the more of the map I can see WHILE clicking on different layers at the same time, the better.
I do understand moving forward is good and I'll likely get used to some of the new features and ways to read the data.
I especially like how you listened to the community and implemented a change to the compare forecast screen. Having the area with model name and all the parameter labels locked is fantastic.