New update frustrating
Hi overall I am not keen on the new update. Too much space on the mobile screen is taken up with drops downs and icons making actually looking at the map much harder. The top menu bar for the location picker is huge and takes up so much of the screen. Why is so big? Can it be turned off? I have it set to disappear in 3 secs but of course as soon as I touch the map up it pops again! Also the red burger menu button is huge as well taking up space on the screen - why does it have to be so big. We know where it is. Overall the main screen is just too cluttered with larger typefaces that distract from the map which is what I want to look like. I loved Windy and have premier membership but now I just get frustrated and irritated every time I open it!
@sjclarkey Thank you for your detailed feedback about the new interface on our mobile devices. I already forwarded this message with the rest of them from this community to colleagues for a consideration.