Hello to Everyone,
I,ve got one question, what is the source of isobars? (current SYNOP data or NWP data?)
If the source is NWP data, then which model is used to visualise on the maps?I'd like to ask if it is possible to add somoe useful features connected with isobars:
possibility of setting intervals between isobars ( 1mb, 2mb, 5mb...)
user defined colour of isobars
Best Regards,
CIrrus -
Isobars are plotted from the weather models. -
You can easily check from which model data the isobars are drawn. For example, when switching from ECMWF to GFS on a long lead time (10 days), you can see that the isobars also change. But for some regional models, the isobars are those of the ECMWF. Note that the plot of the isobars is smoothed. Look at the pressure layer plus the isobars to see this. They are drawn by Windy. -
@idefix37 I assumed that the source of the isobars are the data of the currently selected NWP but I wanted to make sure.
How about intervals, colors of isobars? -
Looking at Pressure overlays from 2 different models don’t convince you that isobars come from their pressure data?
w/customized color scaleThen I think the main improvement would be to enable setting the isobars thickness. Being very thin they are almost invisible over light colors.
I was pretty sure that the isobars comes from the NWP which is selected from the NWP checkbox. Usually I use ICON model, but I wanted to make sure that I,m correct. As you see on your pictures, not olny thickness is important, imagine that the same map has black isobars, won't they be more readable? Sometimes a baric field with isobars every 1 mb would also be needed.
Thank You for your time to write the answer.