Dark mode in Android
When I start the windy app on Android and I get into Basic, Waves, Wind, Meteog., Airgram or compare forecasts, the background mode is white. But it is not so practical, especially in the night while you expect to see the next hours / days forecast, just some minutes before you sleep.
Can I change this mode somehow? If no, is it expected to provide this mode soon? For the premium accounts?
@kkantoutsis Unfortunately, it is not possible or planned right now.
@Ondřej-Šutera Hello, I know, that the mode of the app is the same like the mode set in telephone settings. But in dark mode is very hard to see/read anything - for example temperatures at night (see uploaded image). How can I change the app to the light mode? In previous version it was much more better - the background was white.
@RDUBRAVSKY Unfortunately, this is affected by the dark mode in the phone. Do you have any custom theme in your device, or only the dark mode from device setting?
@Ondřej-Šutera Only standard (prebuild) darkmode. This is very bad and unusable UI.
@RDUBRAVSKY We already released the new version, which should fix this issue.
@Ondřej-Šutera No update in Google play store, app version 39.1.4. still the same issue.
@RDUBRAVSKY We are currently releasing the new version. It will be available for all users in a few days.
@Ondřej-Šutera Hello,
after few months still the same!! Please solve this problem. In basic (home) view the colour of text temperature is white so it is very hard to read them.
In the model comparison si this colour dark, which si much more better - but not the best. See pictures. -
@RDUBRAVSKY Hi, we are working on this issue, but it will tak some time, since we need to find all devices that have this issue. It probably causes the dark mode on the device. We have managed certain brands and their software, however the Android market is huge and it is difficult to handle this on all devices.
According to that, can you let us know which model do you have?
@Ondřej-Šutera XIAOMI Mi 11 Lite 5G (M2101K9G)
@RDUBRAVSKY Do you use the force function to force apps to use the dark mode?
@Ondřej-Šutera Budu psát česky. Je to hrůza. Mrzí mne to, ale je to tak. Tak obsáhlou a jedinečnou službu nikdo neposkytoval. Hltal jsem všechny ty mapy, grafiky, modely,.... Bohužel. Nejde číst čísla, v notifikacích nesmysly, widget se neaktualizuje. V nové verzi dnes mě to po kliknutí na "záznam z meteostanice poblíž" hodí pohledem někde do středozemního moře... Tragédie. Vynucený tmavý režim nemám - resp. tuto volbu u nativní aplikace nevidím, pouze u "windy widget"
@RDUBRAVSKY Dobrý den, mrzí mě všechny problémy, které nastaly na Vašem zařízení. Zkusím se postupně vyjádřit ke všem z nich.
Notifikaci budeme opravovat, po updatu na verzi 39 (jestli se nemýlím) se nám rozbila lokalizace uživatele, která je využívána pro tuto notifikaci, takže teploty v dané předpovědi jsou naprosto mimo.
Widgety se nám, troufnu si říct, podařilo opravit, jen u některých uživatelů je potřeba je odstranit, poté promazat data a cache pro Windy v nastavení telefonu a potém by měli opět fungovat.
Co se týče posunu mapy při výběru lokace pro předpověd, nebo stanice, tak kolegové mají již vydanou verzi pro prohlížeč a je jen otázka času, kdy daná verze půjde ven i pro telefony. Mezitím, stačí zapnout funkci na obrázku:
Ohledně tmavého režimu, bohužel některé Android zařízení (zatím máme největší odezvu od uživatelů Xiaomi), nebo agresivnější prohlížeče, pokud mají zapnutý Dark mode v nastavení, tak jsou schopny rozbít některé aplikace, které dark mode nepodporují, to potom u nás ústí v tento problém.
Na všem z toho se budeme snažit pracovat, nicméně to bohužel není záležitost hodin.
Its probably Xiaomi devices and android 11 or below.
Even if I use my browser its still the same. -
@eskotek You are right and we are aware of this. Certain Xiaomi devices has a different logic in dark mode setup and it completely changes the background in the app.
However, our colleagues will take a look at this, so they will hopefully fix it. -
@Suty Hi, is there any progress in this matter? There are several bug reports in the forum going months back that the color scheme in the dark mode is unreadable and the response is always that "it will be investigated". I appreciate your effort but nonetheless would like to ask - is there anything being done in this? Is it not possible to simply hard-code the colors (ideally two schemes based on light/dark mode) at least as a temporary fix until it's properly investigated? Because really as soon as the device (automatically) switches to dark mode, windy is unreadable and frustrating. It is the only app in my entire collection that has such issue. Thank you.