Unhappy with the update
@Ondřej-Šutera The updated app has a problem in Android. The date slider for the forecast hour dissapears when I change from ECMWF to another model. This is with rain /thunder selected, .all that shows at the bottom of the screen is the rainfall key scale. If I call up a forecast location the date
slider comes back. -
@IPDB Can you provide a further details about the issue? I tried to replicate it on my device but everything works well.
For me the biggest issue is the Widgets are totally broken on my Pixel 7. There are many people complaining about this in the newest 1 star reviews on the Google Play.
@Ondřej-Šutera I am just curious if you guys did user-testing with the new UI? Because judging by the people in this forum, many are unhappy with the changes. So I am sure if you did user-testing people would've brought these concerns up.
@Rares we standardly release Beta version for certain number of our users as well as we test all versions of apps. Unfortunately, Android has that many devices on the market, that we cannot cover all tests on all devices with this system.
According to these widgets, did you try to completely reset them after the last update with these instructions?
@Ondřej-Šutera I fully reinstalled it seems to work
EDIT: It stopped working for the RADAR, "permanent" Updating Windy notification like before...
I also dislike new update, less intuitive for me, I need to do extra steps to click pin icon.
Also moving map, this cross on the middle is too bug, and really unnecessary.
There is still old version on browser which is much better for me.
@jflood Another professional pilot here; this update is crap. Agree with all your points.
@jflood I've noticed the same thing, not just with this product, but most products on the market today. There's a trend in the IT field to continually update products to make them less user friendly and in so many cases, helpful features are also removed.
I'm personally fed up with it. It doesn't matter what you purchase, let them continually tweak enough and it's going to change for the worse. I also turn "automatic updates" off when I can.
I often wonder if the managers who allow these changes actually use the products themselves?
I also preferred the original interface. I measure software user efficiency by the number of required user actions executed for a specific function. Less is always better for the user. Menu/Desired function is always the most efficient.
Just today I read your post. It describes all the issues in perfection. I also wrote several rather detailed posts over the last weeks, complaining about more or less the same things. To me the major issues are location picker and auto-zoom. But also the layer-list is problematic.
I really, really hope, that all of our well articulated responses to the new version are somehow heard at Windy. Windy-team, please accept, that the new version has failed! Your paying users do not comply with the view of the Windy team, that the new UI gives a better user experience. The opposite is the case.
Well said! -
@Rickpp Yes good points, well put. I've also been a long-time user of meteoblue, and I like some of the ways they present their maps compared to Windy. It's often been nice to have access to both.
Sadly, I see the company that owns Windy has bought a majority stake in meteoblue as well. Great - I guess we can look forward to Windy nerfing that over time, too, and making a good product worse because they can't accept not messing with something that isn't broken...