Average Model
What is your opinion to have a new model as the average of all the other models? or with custom weights / coefficients, free to anyone to choose them, for example 0.2 for GFS, 0.3 for ECMWF, 0.4 for METEOBLUE and 0.1 for ICON-EU?
I am sure it has already been asked and the windy team has already analysed it. So, what stage are we at?
I have been following the forum for several years. I don’t remember having seen a similar demand.
For your information the Meteoblue model is based on a multimodel forecast (more than 15 in Europe) plus additional corrections (altitude, weather station references …). They call it a “consensus model”.https://community.windy.com/topic/10316/metoblue-wildly-inaccurate-in-the-sw-usa/3?_=1689835037650
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