@Ondřej-Šutera He suggested that Windy could add a function which could show the junction between warm-air mass andcold-air mass.
The temperature of air masses are generally observed at 850hPa level (near 1500m). So he just need to use the Temperature layer with isotherms and to set the Altitude slider to 850 hPa. -
@idefix37 I see.I will translate what you said to him But how to bring out isotherm?Are the curves in your screenshot isotherm?And the small numbers under H and L seem like temperatures.How did you do that?
When you click on Isolines, the default choice is pressure. But you can change it to temp. -
@idefix37 I see.Thank you very much!
@Higgsboson 管理员说,只要调出等温线,再把温度监测高度调为850hPa(1500m),就可以知道锋面了。因为气团温度一般在这个高度测。
I did a Google translation of your post. You say “the front can be known” with the temperature at 850hPa. I was talking about air mass temperature. But to locate fronts it is a bit more tricky. In winter with higher temperatures contrasts, you can, but much more difficult in summer in northern hemisphere.
Here are example I drawn in winter.In fact to plot fronts, meteorologists use the Potential temperature at 850hPa. But this parameter is not available in Windy.
“The potential temperature of a parcel of fluid at pressure P is the temperature that the parcel would attain if adiabatically brought to a standard reference pressure usually 1000 hPa (1000 mb). The potential temperature is denoted θ\theta “ from Wikipedia. -
@idefix37 Oh my.It's a bit abstruse.Please give me some time to get some background information.I'm only a student.I don't even know too much about quasi-stationary front.I will learn.:)
So,is it meaningless to plot an imprecise front?I think even an imprecise front is a little clearer to learn the trend of mass.(Only from an amateur's opinion) -
Yes, you can try to do it and compare your drawing with official weather maps showing fronts (surface analysis showing pressure field, pressure centers L and H, troughs and ridges, all types of fronts).
This exercise is interesting but you can really do it in winter, also in spring and autumn.
Or try it in the Southern Hemisphere right now.w/customized temp color scale
@idefix37 I see.Thank you for your time.I am trying to learn relevant knowledge.Thanks a lot for your drawings.
Moreover,how could you recognise the occlusion in isobaric map?
In addition,how can I upload pictures on tablet computer?I don't know how to get URL.Could you be good enough to teach me?
(Some of this text is machine translated because of my poor English,maybe a little confusing) -
The occlusion is not easy to draw.
On a mature disturbance the occlusion is partly wrapped around the Low and the Low is far from the angle made by the cold front and the warm front. Example L 930 hPa in the drawing.
On a young disturbance, there is no occlusion and the Low is at the angle made by the cold front and the warm front. Example L 994hPa in the drawing.
See disturbances at different stage from young to mature:Note this drawing is not totally right because the occluded front is plotted as a warm front !
Your English is good for me as I not a native English speaker.
To upload screenshots or pictures
I'm very sorry that I didn't reply you in time. That's because my poor English makes me need a whole block of time to read your message and figure out how to reply.(Anyway, thank you for your encouragement of my English level.)
I'm new here, and I have all kinds of questions. This time, I can ask you some questions together. So as not to trouble you too many times.
First, how to judge the maturity of occluded front based on isobars?Is it based on experience, or is it based on isobar density, or is there some other advanced method?
Second,in some areas, the radar echo images appeared brown. What does that mean?This color is not in the legend.
Third,what's the REPUTATION means?How to increase the number?
Thank you very much for your repeated answers.
I am about to start school, the next reply you do not know how long will be…… -
- Said in previous post, “the potential temperature….”
So I don’t guess occluded front maturity is based on isobars. Isobars are at ground level, occluded fronts only at high levels. - https://community.windy.com/topic/27519/weather-radar/3?_=1692537868726
- Where do you see this word?
- Said in previous post, “the potential temperature….”
I idefix37 referenced this topic on