Wind routing bug
Dear Windy team,
Seems the new version will show wrong wind directions when running wind routing feature (tried boat routing on Android Smartphone Samsung S10). While the map clearly shows a constant SW (on ground level?), in routing view it's shown as WNW. From the relative perspective of the boat however it should be from back. What's wrong here?
Furthermore, when setting a cursor on the route, time glitches appear sometimes. E.g. Start of route is at 8pm, a cursor set close to start point showed 9pm. A bit later cursor will be 8pm again.
Can't upload screenshots here which will show my observations.
WB -
The wrong direction of winds and waves in the diagram comes from an unusual wind direction reference. The reference has been set to “Left to right”. If you are familiar with the Route planner in the browser version, you know there is a setting which allows you to set this direction reference (called there “wind barbs”, but they are not shown in the Route planner for boat)
- North up
- Left to right
- Bottom to top
*** UPDATED September 2023 ***
From last update of the mobile app version, these settings are now available and the “Left to right” can be replaced by “North up”. In the mobile app, at bottom right corner of the the Route planner panel.
But the “Left to right” setting is interesting. You have to imagine your boat (or your plane) is sailing from Left to right across the screen and that the “relative true wind” you observe on the boat is the one shown in the planner diagram. Note it is not the relative wind resulting from the true wind and the boat speed, but the wind relative to the boat course. See more details here and here.
It is also an alternative to North up because it shows when your route is heading into the wind or too close to the wind direction.
I made a kind of recap for using the Route planner. It could help you. -
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Fabulous explanation! Thank you very much! -
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