Enable/Disable Model Interpolation
A fairly strange request to be sure, but I think it could be informative to have a tickbox to disable the interpolation of the models (temperature, wind fields etc.) - similar to how there is the "Smooth Satellite Animation" button for enabling/disabling it.Especially for the high resolutions now, having no interpolation would show how fine the grid boxes really are, and could inform users a bit on the effects of the interpolation (assuming it's non-linear right now?).
I think me requesting this feature stems from the desire to become more familiar with how the original data looks like on the grid.
Also, for the really fine ones like AROME 1.3km, the map zoom could definitely be upgraded so that it does not switch to the OpenStreetMap just as quickly/early as it does now.
I agree to some extend with your request. It would be useful to see the model grid with no interpolation, just showing point values. That would allow to understand why local forecast is sometimes so different from reality.
It would also be a good way to make the effect of the model resolution more intuitive, in mountains or on seashore for example.
Like this map, with or without values: -
@idefix37 exactly, thank you for adding more details to my original points! From the implementation point of view, this sort of 'blocky' view could be achieved by the "nearest-neighbour interpolation". The main point of having it would be to toggle between the interpolated and blocky, and understanding the underlying original grid size - especially when comparing it to city-scales! The fine resolution grids, such as the one at 1.3km scale, start to actually resolve city-scale features! It would be really interesting to see how those original grids relate to the cities.
@idefix37 hey, from which site did you generate this map?
I got it from an article in French from Sylvie Malardel.
She is (or was ?) a well known researcher at ECMWF (CEPMMT in French) and btw she wrote a big reference book about meteorology.
But I don’t know which model she used to make this map. -
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@Dilees Yes I agree, this would be very useful!
@idefix37 another great figure from that reference
https://www.encyclopedie-environnement.org/app/uploads/2016/11/modelisation_fig2_schema-atmosphere.jpg -
Very nice feature request. I also would love to see the option to show the raw, non-interpolated data.