Show station's elevation in mouse-over
Measured wind is only a useful information when you know at which height it has been measured. In the flats this may be obvious, in the Alps the wind on the valley floor has absolutely nothing to do with the wind higher up. Since elevation is not immediately visible on the map (unless you zoom in deeply and look at a tiny area only), it would be very helpful to make the elevation data easier accessible that is currently possible.
A simple mock-up...
Appending "(1844m)" to the station's name would also do.
And if space is an issue: I'd be much more interested in the elevation than that somewhat useless info "personal station".
You don’t need to zoom in deeply. Just click on the station.“pws station” is an important information because many of them provide inaccurate wind speeds due to a wrong location or a wrong height of the anemometer.
You don’t need to zoom in deeply. Just click on the station.Yes, but you have to click on each single station and then on most screens, scroll to the far right to see the elevation. Not very practical when you try to get an overview over the wind situation at a certain height for a larger area.
Including height in the mouse-over is not ideal (that would be implementing ) but at least not as annoying as it is now. A cheap and easy workaround until a real solution can be implemented. -
“pws station” is an important information because many of them provide inaccurate wind speeds due to a wrong location or a wrong height of the anemometer.
Questions: If that's the case, how would I know...? Are there other station types that do not give reliable results as well? Can I hide those "measurements" that do not match reality somehow? Wrong info is even worse than no info, why not remove those stations that prove unreliable from the map?
If station type is really important to judge the data, then e.g. add a reliability score to all stations, maybe color coded so it can be taken into consideration when looking a the map of reported winds. And an option to hide stations with a low score. Or delete unreliable stations so they do not compromise the quality of the map...
Exploring the forum threads you will find answers to your many questions : station wrong&in=titlesposts&matchWords=all&sortBy=relevance&sortDirection=desc&showAs=posts