ACCESS-C coverage for Australia
Hello, just wondering if ACCESS-C coverage has been considered for Australia? It's a much more accurate model with 1.5km resolution rather than the 17km resolution of ACCESS-G. The ACCESS selector could dynamically switch between ACCESS-C and ACCESS-G when time selected >36hrs and the location is Australia.
@tscharke We know about this model for certain locations in Australia, however it is not planned to add this model in Windy right now.
I idefix37 referenced this topic on
@Suty Hi @Suty, I know your reply is a year old now, but is there any more information/news about adding this high-res model? thanks :)
Yes, we are working on the hi-res ACCESS-C model. Stay tuned. -
@David-Polášek Omg 😮 There are going to be A LOT of Australian users very thrilled!
@anthony10 Correct!
Hi @David-Polášek, just wondering if there is any news with adding ACCESS-C into Windy? :)
@anthony10 At this moment, we have implementation of this model ready, so it should be out in the version 44, in the first half of the November.
@Suty amazing news to hear, thanks windy team.
@Suty With the upcoming release of version 44 & BoM ACCESS-C being implemented. Would you know if the devs are adding in CAPE (Convective Available Potential Energy) from the ACCESS models?
@anthony10 No, that is not planned now.
Hi @anthony10, according to documentation (for ACCESS-G and ACCESS-C, both linked from general NWP documentation), CAPE is not available as parameter. If it had been, we would have used it.
@Filip_K Just a side question, what about adding SWEAT (Severe Weather Threat) index? I can see that GFS, ECMWF & ACCESS-G all have this forecast.
Or would that have too much in common with CAPE index?
I'm not aware that ACCESS-G would provide such parameter (see link to documentation in my previous post). Neither am I aware of such parameter within GFS and ECMWF. Is it possible that it is some proprietary parameter that compute from other parameters? -
@Suty I know that others and I eagerly awaiting the release of version 44 with the newly added ACCESS-C models.
Is there any updates on when that might be happening?
@Suty said in ACCESS-C coverage for Australia:
@anthony10 At this moment, we have implementation of this model ready, so it should be out in the version 44, in the first half of the November.
@anthony10 Hi the web app should be out in upcoming days, mobile apps, hopefully, few days after the release of the web app.
@Suty Thank you to all the Windy team members for adding in all the ACCESS-C models for across Australia. It’s an early Christmas gift for all Australian users of Windy and another big step to making Windy the #1 weather app across the globe!!!
I totally second this and so will a lot of other Aussie users (when they see it is added :) )
Thanks to all of the Windy team.!!
Amazing addition especially in the midst of this current weather pattern. I am in the Hunter region NSW and after reviewing the C vs G model it is awesome. Will be very interesting to compare models today with severe thunderstorms predicted.
I would suggest an announcement to let all of the Aussie users know.
Kind Regards
Gary -
@vortexya I'm just going through all the layers with the ACCESS-C models and its very interesting that the forecast don't align closer with each other like I'd expect.
I'll have to do some investigation and figure out why BoM forecasts are so varied.
I'm looking at Canberra & Lithgow being different between the models.
Obviously, it's different parameters over the different regions but I would have expected the overlapping windows to be more similar in forecast.
It'll be interesting to see which model is more accurate in those overlapping areas.