No weather radar from Nicaragua
There was a weather radar with its center near Managua, Nicaragua, but it stopped being displayed by, about 2 weeks ago. I know the reason why, and your solution.
The cause of the problem was that the internet address changed for the web site for that radar station. The new address is repair this problem ASAP, by using the new web address for the Nicaraguan weather radar in your software. I gave you the solution - Please implement it promptly.
@Bob-Moore thank you for reporting the outage. Weather radar for Nicaragua is provided by 3rd party provider and it has indeed disappeared from their feed. I have contacted them with the info you provided. I'm hoping the fix will happen soon.
In case they are not able to fix the issue quickly enough, I'm starting to work on direct data import that will fix this issue. Although it might take couple days/weeks. I'll keep you posted
@Bob-Moore our provider reacted very quickly and Managua radar is back on windy: