Weather picker problem
I don't understand why, in addition to the options 3, 6, 9, 12 seconds and Always on, you didn't add the option Always off.
Whose idea was that all users would want to have a Weather picker in the middle of the screen that keeps popping up and annoying and with no option to remove it.
I'm not the happiest with a few more things, but I can digest them and eventually get used to them, but that Weather picker annoys me so much. Actually, it's not the Weather picker that annoys me, but the inability to remove it.
There are not many applications of such quality as Windy and I hope that some future version will fix the current shortcomings. Regardless of the current issues, I will stand by Windy and continue to support it. Keep up the good work. -
@tapirko There is a workaround to limit the crosshairs. (See image below.)
To select a new location is clumsy and not as intuitive as in previous versions: close the forecast bar, put the crosshairs on the desired location and then choose "Show forecast for this location" in the new weather picker bar at the top.
@lllusion Thanks, I will try that.