GPX import & route planner
Hi, I have manually edited a GPX file to list the entire log of our Atlantic crossing (about 150 data points) following the exact format. The import works just fine and the blue line seems accurate. However when i convert it to route planner, I have just 42 reported points with many from the original data skipped or changed. Is there anyway to get the actual reported log points in the route planner (150) and not auto generated trimmed ones? Thanks for the help! KR, jb
Please tell us why are you looking to use the detailed route from your previous passage?
All points (150) recorded the log show changes in course direction due to changes in wind direction, especially when you had to change tack.
Why reuse this detailed route in the Route planner when the weather conditions will be evidently different in a new passage ?I don't know what is the maximum number of waypoints that is allowed by this tool and how the GPX file is simplified.