No Cloud Sync. between iOS and Browser
Favourites sync correctly between my iOS devices (iPhone, iPads) but not with Windy running browser based on a Mac. Of cause Premium version and same account.
Same is for prefs - e.g. m/s vs. kts -
Do you log in with exactly the same account credentials on mobile device and on your Mac?
@idefix37 Yes I did. I registered and logged in via apple. This morning, the favourites showed up in the browser window after all.
It seems that synchronisation via the cloud does not happen at the quick.
I also have some inconsistencies concerning the favourites even between mobile devices (e.g. after deleting one or changing its name).
I thing I will start all over again, delete all favourites on all devices, wait for a day and then recreate everytrhing.
I will report the result.