Feature request: Tap map to select location, no auto-zoom
Dear Ondrej, as I said, if you could give us some insight this would be very much appreciated.
Thank you
@Ftjwinfs I am sorry for the delay. Unfortunately, I don't have any specific reasons or facts, why we will keep it this way, I am sorry about that.
Were you and the team aware of the use cases that I described above?
Did you have the chance, to specifically discuss these use cases with the team? -
@Ftjwinfs Basically, majority of team is following these comments and in general, feedback about the new version. However, it is already decided to work on new features.
Ok, thank you. Although its quite disappointing to realize, that apparently there is not much hope of getting back a usable location picker.
I've tried for days to give some more insight into how the new location selection process is problematic and worse that the former approach. Its not practicably usable and its very hard to imagine any possible benefit that might have led to the current approach. Ok, swiping around your home town might be nice. But again, checking weather for larger regions is not practical anymore.
I sadly come to the conclusion, that you guys at Windy are not much interested in actual feedback from your paying users. At least that's how it feels. There are so many serious negative comments on the new location picker that it is very hard to comprehend, that you guys seem not to consider at all to change something here. A simple user-configurable option would be so simple.
Its seriously disappointing.
I now purged your v39 and re-installed v38.
Dear Ondrej,
are there any news regarding a possible modification of the location selection process?
Best regards
@Ftjwinfs At this moment, there are no planned changes, however, the situation can be changed in future. I am sorry if this is not positive answer for you.
Thank you for your feedback. Do you collect these user requests so that they do not get lost and might be considered for future releases?
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