Dissapointed in Windy In accuracies
We have been back here in Thailand for 3 months, my partner and I both signed up and paid for Windy as we were told you were the best app for boating and we love taking our boat out.
Sadly your continual inconsistency of prodicting the correct weather has been the major factor of not only disappointing planned trips but has also put us in danger on 2 occassions, 1 being tonight trying to get home through a thunderstorm and so many wasted days that you predicted poor weather has turned out to be beautiful days.
Anyway wanted to share the dissapointment that we both feel. We can only imagine how hard it is to predict but we need to rely on someone who at least comes close to the weather.
Michelle and Daren -
Windy is an app that provides a very thorough access to different weather prediction models and allows easy comparison.
Windy itself does not create forecasts, it is only a channel to access forecasts from different institutions.
You should blame the specific weather models and the institutions that run these models, not Windy.
P.S.: Windy IS the best app (ok, some bad changes from the last update need to be corrected...;-) ), but you need to know how to use and interpret the provided data.
@Ftjwinfs Hi thanks for info but the supplied data data recieved by us was from Windi has certainly been vastly incorrect for our current location, maybe excusable for a free app but paying premium service????
It is lucky my partner can handle stormy situations at sea because it could have been a disastrous night!
Again, you should understand, that Windy is an app that allows you to conveniently access forecasts from different sources (GFS, ECMWF, ICON, ...). You would get the same information if you would access those institutions directly. You can not blame Windy if forecasts do not meet the actual weather that happens.
Knowing the strengths and limitations of weather models is crucial. I see again and again, that people talk about the forecasts "from windy" or "from windfinder", ignoring that the app is merely a convenient way to access forecasts from (national) weather services...