New version is terrible
@temp850 Yes, I don’t understand, why they changed the menu from list view to these big plates. I don’t like it. And on mobile phone you can’t reach every plate in favourite view, if there are to much plates. It wad easier and faster to find what I was searching for. And I can’t change the weather model anymore. Please Windy, go back to previous style.
@Siyeza said in New version is terrible:
New version is terrible. How do I revert to previous version?
I want to mark a spot and see the wind patterns. I do not want a table instead. I need to keep moving the forecast spot. Much easier on old version.I agree about marking a spot by finger-tapping a spot and having the banner pole pop up with the information. Now you have to move the whole map to position the spot under the + mark.
@kirc Yes, it was an excellent app before. I'm concerned that they have made so many changes without much (if any?) consultation with the many subscribers that use the app?
Are the same staff still there? Or is it a much bigger organisation now?
The weather picker was brilliant. You could screen shot after hovering over a given height and area (say 500hPa) and have the atmospheric situation concisely portrayed. I don't like the new app. It feels a bit dumbed down. I have a good phone with 6GB of RAM and it just doesn't work well on this phone compared to the previous app.
It's not the same app, with the same professional polish. I don't want to unsubscribe but if they continue with this app, I am looking at two other options instead of Windy which is sad. I hope they are listening to us.
I'm an older person, so maybe my thoughts are not so important but as a writer, web admin with many thousands of followers and subscribers, I do know how important it is to listen to those that follow my work. I can't recall any surveys or polls about the new app? Whether we were happy with the previous app etc? It was an excellent offering before.
Please offer us the previous app. It really was better. More usable. More enjoyable.
I don't really have time to make too many more comments or posts. This new app has taken a lot of my time - when in reality, all I want to do, is enjoy the gift of atmospheric science and the people I write for.
@temp850 According to the timeline issue, we are aware of the problem and colleagues have been working on solution for this. The main cause for this is using system buttons on Android devices, so meanwhile I can recommend using buttons from our app only to avoid this.
you wrote
I am looking at two other options instead of Windy which is sad. I hope they are listening to us.
Which options are you looking at? I'm also very disappointed and need to look for alternatives.
It's so disappointing that the response from the team at Windy is generally, "you don't like it? Too bad, you will come to like it because this is how it is now." Talk about lacking understanding of your user base... I wish more than anything that I could go back to the previous version...
You can get the old version at e.g. apkmirror.
I just downloaded the apk for the version v38 there and dumped the awful new version v39.
Of course this is not a "solution" at all. But what can I do...
Yes, the old version was way better – I could easily move the forecast spot around for the specific information I needed. Any advice on how to get back to the previous version?
Old version was the best of all online apps. New version is not. Developers have removed functions which were very useful, probably to encourage subscriptions, and now I just go to another application for weather. Looking at the comments I am discouraged by the changes.
Look for windy at e.g. the apkmirror site. There you will find the apk-file of the old version.I agree, new version is unusable. Windy should take the ongoing concerns of the community serious and should finally do something about it.
@Pilot2121 Yes, totally agree. And that's just the start of the issues!
Agree. I'm regretting paying for windy right now.
An option would be to keep the version one likes, avoiding upgrades as long as possible...
Personally, I've welcomed each major upgrade to Windy, including the recent Version 39. As long as I've used Windy, I've had to adapt my habitual scrolls and taps, and get used to some display changes, but each upgrade has added so much to my weather information, and especially its presentation!
Would I really prefer not to have the Hurricane Tracker?
I don't regret being able to see tide state & wind & time all changing before my eyes.
Even at points when i think it's not exactly as I want it, Windy amazes me out of complaints.Remember when software programs cost scores or hundreds of dollars?
Not long ago, all of this was completely and utterly impossible. Enjoy it. -
I agree on almost everything what you say.
In one aspect I absolutely do not agree: It makes no sense at all, that a development team decides to introduce some new, fancy user-interaction concepts, and doing so without feedback from the users what would make their life easier.
An example: The drastic change in the process, how to select the location where you want to see the weather. At the moment it is not efficient at all, it simply awkward. The old version was brilliant.
For the version v39, a dev-team has decided that it exactly knows what is better for the users (there are several comments from the team here, that show exactly this attitude), where actually the users rush in every day and utterly complain about the broken new version.
The dev-team think, that the new version is better for touch screen, while IT IS NOT. I've used Windy for years also on much smaller screens and phones with bad resolution, no problem.Instead of making things better, the whole process is broken and (on a certain professional level) simply unusable. Thats why I downgraded to the former, better version and can only hope, that at some point the Windy team comes to reason.
Before the new version, in the iOS app on iPhone but not on iPad, to select a location you had to touch the screen anywhere. The picker appeared in the top third of the screen as a flag in a fixed position and it was necessary to move the map under the picker to get the parameter value on the location.
I had heard from someone of the Windy team, that a fixed position of the picker was better because a big fingertip is not able to select precisely a location on a small screen. And by this way it was possible to hold your phone in one hand and to touch and scroll the map and timeline with only the thumb ! Try it, it works.
But I would like to know how many users do it like that. In any case this is not possible with a tablet which now use the same app as the phone. -
The new version is a cluster of errors. If it isn't broken dont fix it .
Please revert to the last version. I love to use windy for my school and teaching but it is detracting from the great info with all the bugs, drop outs and simple un friendliness that it has become since the last update.
I beg you to revert and uphold the high standards you have been known for in the past. -
After downloading, install the older version following the standard installation procedure. To prevent automatic updates to the newer version, disable automatic updates within the software settings.
@Pgt You get get old versions e.g. at apkmirror
Same same , really regret paying that money now, feel like I've just been ripped off. Works well on my android but terrible on my iPad, had no problems before and so many features that make no sense , bring back old version and I'll be happy ier or give me back my money
I completely agree with the other sailors.
You made a very good version worse.
If you want to play around and upgrade, then please don't move buttons to new places...
... but please find a solution in which you can download a defined region over a 3 or 5 day preview. That would be very helpful for trip planning. Thanks