Preciptation type
Precipitation amount always shows as rain. How do you know if it is snow?
I assume to look at Rain, thunder layer ?
It is shown with snow flakes:
As shown in mobile app -
Screenshot 2023-08-16 at 8.49.17 AM
On left it says Rain in- -
Thank you for the screenshot. Your question was not clear.
When the precipitation is shown in light blue and “IN” is added that means snow.
It would have been better to write precipitation instead of rain.
In any case it is better to look at Meteogram instead of Basic to get more details. -
@idefix37 I only said rain as that is what it is labeled. Thanks for the color coding as I was unable to find that anywhere.
Do not worry, I said that for Windy not for you.
In this table as snow is displayed on the same line as rain, precipitation would the right term. -
@idefix37 I agree with you, it would be more clear to change the word « rain »into « precipitation »