Forecast pop up is gone how to get it back
When I put the crosshairs on a location the top drop down says forecast for this location. When I click that the bottom pop up cones up but there is nothing there? It used to have 3hr forecasts there. Did I mess some settings up?
There's a lot of people who are experiencing the same. Windy should rollback the previous working app version into the play store and let us use it until the bug is fixed.
@leuka so it's not somthing I did in my settings by accident? Or is it the app messed up
@Guy-Montag it looks like the problem started today or yesterday and is specific to the android app. My conclusion based on the public comments here and the play store. I hope windy will give a statement too.
@leuka mine is back up to normal
@Guy-Montag mine too, maybe it was not the android app after all
Hi there, we are aware of this issue on Android devices, however the app should work now. Colleagues investigates the cause of the whole issue. I am sorry for any inconvenience.