"The West Coast"
When I open up Windy, there's a giant banner warning me about a hurricane about to hit "The West Coast". When I click it, it becomes more clear that it means "of North America" on the other side of the world.
My sympathies for those living there, I hope y'all will be fine. But when you say "The West Coast", the only way to know it's 9000KM away instead of 70KM, is to assume US Centrism.
If you want to convey world news, maybe try "barreling towards Baja California". If you want to alert people of dangerous weather, you should probably take a more local approach.
@RC-1290 Please check this thread for an explanation.
@Ondřej-Šutera "this thread"? Was that intended to be a url? [edit] I guess you meant to link this.
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