Whats the meaning of color codes of airports dots?
Can someone please explain whats the meaning of the colors of airports dots?.
Thank you. -
They are colour coded depending on flight categories. Mainly based on current meteorological (weather) conditions. That's why the airports with no AWOS show up with grey circles.Grey: no AWOS (Automoted Weather Observation System)
Green: VFR - Visual Flight Rules
Blue: MVFR - Marginal Visual Flight Rules
Red: IFR - Instrument Flight Rules
Magenta: LIFR - Low Instrument Flight RulesIf you select a coloured one it should show a METAR (Meteorological Aerodome Report) for that airport. These provide current meteorological conditions at that airport. Depending on the airport, this report could include some manual observations and even a TAF (Terminal Aerodome Forecast), which can give you an idea of expected conditions for that particular airport.
I'm not a pilot - so if anyone reads this and notices something wrong, please correct me!
Hope that helps!
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