how to disable webcams ??
@어바웃피싱 May I ask for further details about the app?
next.js code isconst Weather: WeatherFC = (props) => { const query = useMemo(() => { const query = qs.stringify(props.windyQueryOption) return query }, [props.windyQueryOption]) return ( <iframe> ) } export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ( ctx: GetServerSidePropsContext ) => { const DEFAULT_LATITUDE = 35.77086685957337 const DEFAULT_LONGITUDE = 127.718805751910595 const DEFAULT_ZOOM = 7 const { detail, detailLat, detailLon, zoom } = ctx.query let windyQueryOption: WindyQueryOption = { lat: DEFAULT_LATITUDE, lon: DEFAULT_LONGITUDE, detailLat: detailLat ? parseFloat(detailLat as string) : DEFAULT_LATITUDE, detailLon: detailLon ? parseFloat(detailLon as string) : DEFAULT_LONGITUDE, zoom: zoom ? parseInt(zoom as string) : DEFAULT_ZOOM, level: 'surface', overlay: 'wind', product: 'ecmwf', calendar: 'now', type: 'map', location: 'coordinates', metricWind: 'default', metricTemp: 'default', radarRange: -1, } if (detail === 'true') { windyQueryOption = { ...windyQueryOption, detail: true, } } return { props: { windyQueryOption, ...(await serverSideTranslations(ctx.locale as string, ['common'])), }, } }
and react-native use webView that webview url is next.js url
next.js iframe option code is
id={'windyMap'} style={{ width: '100%', height: '100vh' }} src={`${query}`}
@Ondřej-Šutera show webcams when bottom detail sheet touch up
@Suara-Bahana issue not solve
@어바웃피싱 And do you want to use only Map API or the webcam API?
@Ondřej-Šutera just map api
@어바웃피싱 Can we get any access to the app, so our colleagues from the dev team can take a look at that?
@Ondřej-Šutera what is OS Platform?
@Ondřej-Šutera no need for os,url is
@어바웃피싱 What do you mean exactly?
@Ondřej-Šutera issue is that show webcams when bottom detail sheet touch(click) up.
i need to option disable bottom detail sheet touch up.example shcreen shot
@어바웃피싱 Can you try to delete the cache and local storage? Also do you have this issue in all browsers, or which ones did you test?
@Ondřej-Šutera i test chrome and safari
same issue after delete the cache and local storage.
Can't prevent touch ups? -
@어바웃피싱 So you want to prevent displaying the forecast details after tapping into the map, am I right?
@Ondřej-Šutera i want to prevent webcams when touch ups the the forecast details
@Ondřej-Šutera using embedded-page-on-widget as an iframe. webcam overlay is inconvenience. Is there a way to turn off the webcam overlay?
@어바웃피싱 How can we replicate the issue with webcams? I checked your app and I am not able to display anything related to webcams.
@Ondřej-Šutera It appears when you touch up the detail part of the map on mobile. Not on pc.
@Ondřej-Šutera Can't reproduce it?