Strange severe weather warning notification
There are currently severe weather warnings issued by Meteo France over the French territory and they are shown correctly in Windy.
As my setting for language is English, I get these notifications in English.
But in addition there is a notification concerning the Chad territory in Africa, and that one is in French language. It is issued by USGS Geomagnetism program.
If if switch to the French language this notification concerning Chad disappears. And right now there is no severe weather warning shown in Chad or in Africa.Seen in iOS app
@idefix37 I see this too. The area seems to cover a large fraction of the northern hemisphere when you use the warnings layer. It seems unlikely that the USGS geomagnetism program would issue a warning for rainfall!
I got this warning too (web version and the mobile app version as well)
I also have that warning, which is also in french (it does state it is in English but it's not)
At this moment, it looks like we get more data than it is usual from the French source, so it covers the majority of the northern hemisphere. I will keep you posted with any new info.
@idefix37 Also showing for UK written in French...The electrical storm is over France - not UK. Is this scaremongering? Has Windy sold out?
It is written in French, but the locations in this notification are in AfrIca. So this has nothing to do with the weather in France.