Graphics bug
Weather picker does not display correct value
@WeerMoses Hi, do you use Windy on Android device? Can you please share the screenshot?
@WeerMoses I have the same issue on Android app. You move the map (the picker cross stays) and the value shown does not match at all the position. It seems it's no aligned.
@aisamat I try to add some screenshots but jpg is not a supported format ???
@Ondřej-Šutera it happens with a lot of layers and not only with the radar. It happens with the wind, expected rain, etc. So it seems a general disalignment of the layers and the info shown by the picker cross. May be only in android app. Not sure.
I don’t see this issue with iOS apps. -
@aisamat We are aware of this issue on Android devices and it should be fixed in the new version, which has been already tested in these days. Thank you for the patience.