Units of Measure not changing!
This is driving me crazy, I am not able to change the units of measure! It will change for temp but nothing else! I changed them under settings on both the app and desktop but it will not translate on the maps. In particular I would like the altitude to change from meters to feet. Please help! Thanks
Which units can't you change? Is it only the altitude that is displayed on the map when zooming in. If so, it cannot be changed.
@idefix37 Hi yes, altitude. Bummer. And also lame, because it gives you the option to change to feet... Thanks for your reply!
@twoturds Background map works only as a template for our layers, where all info according to the weather, is provided. Altitude unit can be changed in many of these layers (Freezing altitude, Cloud tops, base, etc.), however, the background map cannot be adjusted anyhow.