Difference between two equipments, IOS and Android
Dear team,
I'm a windy user free version.
I checked today a forecast situation for tomorrow in North Italy. I was interested in rain status.
I waited for the update, happened yesterday at 18:00 about CET. (today the sitution is the same after the last update)
Comparing the same forecast (arome) I found two different situations when I used an iOS equipment and an android phone. I checked to be sure about the data update. Attached the two screenshots.
I cannot understand from what that difference is generated. Do you have a possible explanation?
as additional info, if I check the present wether situation on the two equpmments, it is the same so the issue seems appears only moving on the forecast
Thanks a lot
Kind regards
Renato -
Yes, it is from my iPad
And you are sure that both devices use the same model update? The screenshot I shown is from 06z run (reference time in UTC) -
Screenshot taken in this moment
So could be that the difference is due to the update, on IPAd I see 10 hours ago, on my mobile 3 hours ago
Do you know why the two devices have different update time ? I’m using the free version on both
So it is the reason of the difference: the model update is not the same. I don’t know why. -
It is important to check the reference time (or the run time) of the model.And click About this data to get more details.
Thanks for the help, I saw that all the models are aligned on the two devices except for Arome and Gfs. So with more than one device better to check which is the more recent.