Missing National Data Buoy Station (ship) TPLM2
Please add missing NBDC station TPLM2 - Thomas Point, MD
The Thomas Point Shoal Light, Chesapeake Bay shows up as a forecast location, but I desire the reported wind data that is available on the NBDC page to compare to the forecasts.
I know they show up as ships and have saved others as favorites and rename them correctly after comparing the ship ID to the station ID. EUMDE12 Is in the area of TPLM2 but seems to be a ship.
Also, why are some reported wind sites blue while others are green. I couldn’t find a legend and most blue ones appear to be on land though some green ones are on land as well.
New premium member here. Really liking it so far.
Thanks -
Yes, unfortunately most of weather buoys are identified as ‘ship’ in Windy.
I think the color is referring to the current wind speed, a bit similar to that one shown in the table. But not exactly because the color cannot by white.